Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentines Day

This is a happy pet.
Valentines Day is about being with someone you love or care for. So this Valentines Day spend some time with your animals. They are also somthing that you love and care about. They always need attention. Please, this Valentines Day or any holiday, don't forget about your pets.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sunday, February 7, 2010


This is my cat, Snowball. He is a very sweet animal. He is my little rat and bird catcher. All cats love to be outside.They are very adventurous. They would be outdoors than indoors any day. Cats are very playful. They would do great living anywhere. They adapt changes really fast. They have to be brushed a couple times a week. No matter if their coat is short or long. They always need love and attention. They make great lap pets. That's what makes them great in their own little way.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


This is my cousins goat Annie. She is very sweet. Goats are very old dominant species. They came from southwest Asia. Most people think they stink but they really don't. They are truly sweet and kind animals. They need a couple hours of attention a day. They love to be petted. They also LOVE to be outdoors and run around.This would be a perfect pet to live out in the country. They are hard to train and you need to brush their coat about two times a week and they will be the perfect pet.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Just Bunnies

This is my first rabbit, Phroto. He was a New Zeland GiText Colorant. He was very sweet and nice. I loved to play with him a lot. He was old though. One day before school I walked outside to his cage like I do every morning and I saw him just laying there. I thought he was asleep. I feed him and watered him. When I got home from school I went to check on him. He was still laying in the same position as he was that morning. He didnt touch his food. Then I picked him up and he was dead. He was the BEST pet anyone could ever have. If anyone likes small animals I would suggest that you get a bunny. They are very sweet and they love to snuggle. They are a great sidekick.

Friday, January 15, 2010

My Animals

I have one cat and three dogs. My cats name is Snowball. He is a pure white cat. He is VERY adventurous. I call him my little rat and bird catcher. My smallest dogs name is Lucky. He is a jack Russell tarrier mix. He is my little guard dog. Then there's Coco. She is a sweet, cuddly, pretty, chiuaua mix. Last but not least there is Sasha Fierce. She is a BIG Lab and Rottweiler mix. She is the youngest of my dogs. She is very sweet and lovable.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Step 2: How to choose your pet

You always need to choose your pet carefully. Commiting to care for a pet is a HUGE decicion. There are many things a you need to know about that animal before you get it. It always needs love and care. You also need to know if it fits im your lifestyle. Don't forget that it needs a regulary visit to the vet each year to get all of its shots. When selecting a pet you need to know all of its needs. The most important thing of how to care for your animal though, is to always FEED and WATER your pet!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

First things First

An animal always deserves love and care. Feed and water them everyday. Sometimes it can be hard. But is a way to start helping animals. They always need a good time of attention. Another way to help is to please SPAY or NEUTER your pets. That's probably the best way you can help.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

My Introduction

My name is Alexis. I am 11 yrs old. I am now a published author of a story in a book called Chicken Soup For The Soul: What I learned From The Dog. I have 3 dogs( Sasha, Coco, and Lucky) and 1 cat(Snowball). I love not just dogs, but all the animals of the world. Every second of the day there is an animal in need or that is hurt or beaten. I want to try to help all the animals of the world, but I cant do that without some help. I will be posting a blog every other day with ways to help save and take care of animals.